Jaeyong Shim Software Developer A Software Developer who prefers to design and develop software solutions using various software development methodologies and knowledge. Learn more
Inf 14 April 2024·Updated: 26 May 2024·521 words·3 mins Bash Script IDE CLI VSCode IntelliJ Sublime-Text Simple script developed to create a new file using the CLI in some IDEs, such as VSCode, IntelliJ, etc.
PLGD 8 March 2024·404 words·2 mins React Vite TypeScript Redux.js Redux-Toolkit TailwindCSS DaisyUI Simple playground to learn Frontend, It built with Vite, React, TypeScript, Redux and TailwindCSS.
express-sequelize-ts 15 January 2023·308 words·2 mins Node.js Docker Boilerplate Express.js TypeScript Docker-Compose TypeScript-based boilerplate for creating a web application using the Express framework and the Sequelize ORM.
fastapi-postgresql-boilerplate 7 December 2022·Updated: 14 March 2024·311 words·2 mins PostgreSQL FastAPI Python Docker Boilerplate Docker-Compose Poetry Boilerplate for building fast and reliable web applications with FastAPI and PostgreSQL.